Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, Sabrina is an actress, national champion ballroom dancer, and the founder of the Sabrina Schoenberg RES Foundation. Sabrina was one of the first living people in the United States to be diagnosed with RES and GLHS. Sabrina graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in acting. Sabrina travels around the world as a competitive ballroom dancer. She has defied several odds, training with some of the top coaches and professionals in the ballroom dance industry, and has become a national and regional ballroom dance champion. When she is not acting, ballroom dancing, and training for the adaptive CrossFit games, she teaches children in the arts. Since Sabrina was a child, it has been her goal to start a foundation to make people more aware of RES, GLHS, and similar silent disabilities. “I want to tell my story and inspire others to go beyond the self-imposed, medically-imposed, or socially-imposed limits that have been set for them. I want others to know that even if the odds are not in your favor and people doubt your ability to do something, you can do whatever you put your mind to and accomplish your dreams.” In May of 2023, Sabrina used her college graduation money to start the Sabrina Schoenberg RES Foundation. Click Here to learn more about Sabrina!
The SABRINA SCHOENBERG RES FOUNDATION aims to: (1) to inspire individuals with Rhombencephalosynapsis and Gomez Lopez Hernandez Syndrome to go beyond the limits that have been set for them, and (2) to give scholarships to children and adults with these disorders so they can get the therapies and afford activities that will improve their lives. With the help of your generosity, the foundation We’ll be able to :
Looks like @ilyaifraimov is expanding TEAM Babaghanoush with some wonderful peeps from FADS Saratoga @fads_saratoga_springs!!! Who will take home that traveling trophy?
Vote for Team “Team Babaghanoush ” starring:
Ilya Ifraimov: @ilyaifraimov
Hayk Balasanyan: @fredastairewinterpark
Christina Penatello: @christinapenatello
Vote for “Team Knight Riders” starring:
Stephen Knight: @knight1959
Anastasia Abrashin: @anastasiaabrashin
Dan Rutherford: @rutherford3230
Vote for Team “Team Babaghanoush ” starring:
Ilya Ifraimov: @ilyaifraimov
Hayk Balasanyan: @fredastairewinterpark
Christina Penatello: @christinapenatello
Vote for “Team Eagles” starring:
Tony Dovolani
Martin Lamb
Jan Mattingly: @janmattingly_fadspro
Vote for “Team Virtuous Virtuals” starring
Bruno Collins: @brunocollinstrillieci
Nicole Carrol: @carrollrutherford
Yuri Simakov: @simakovy
And, if you have no idea what we are talking about, no worries, keep reading!:
We’re starting the fun BEFORE the event with
The FADS Greatest Race
We’ve split 12 FADS International Dance Council
Members into 4 teams of 3 to see which team
can enroll the most participants in VIC.
They’ll report from the field each week
on their progress, and the winning team
gets a cash prize, a traveling trophy
and (of course) bragging rights!
Follow along to see all the shenanigans,
ribbing, and fun that’s sure to ensue...
which team are you rooting for?
And of course, join the fun at VIC - there’s still plenty
of time before the January 8 deadline...
it’s virtually that easy!
#vic2025 #road2vic #virtual #international #championships #fredastaire #bestinballroom #itsvirtuallythateasy
Just when you thought Tony and his Eagles were running the race, @ilyaifraimov find some fabulous peeps from @fadsahwatukee to join his TEAM Babaghanoush!!! This is gonna be fun!!!
Vote for Team “Team Babaghanoush ” starring:
Ilya Ifraimov: @ilyaifraimov
Hayk Balasanyan: @fredastairewinterpark
Christina Penatello: @christinapenatello
Vote for “Team Knight Riders” starring:
Stephen Knight: @knight1959
Anastasia Abrashin: @anastasiaabrashin
Dan Rutherford: @rutherford3230
Vote for Team “Team Babaghanoush ” starring:
Ilya Ifraimov: @ilyaifraimov
Hayk Balasanyan: @fredastairewinterpark
Christina Penatello: @christinapenatello
Vote for “Team Eagles” starring:
Tony Dovolani
Martin Lamb
Jan Mattingly: @janmattingly_fadspro
Vote for “Team Virtuous Virtuals” starring
Bruno Collins: @brunocollinstrillieci
Nicole Carrol: @carrollrutherford
Yuri Simakov: @simakovy
And, if you have no idea what we are talking about, no worries, keep reading!:
We’re starting the fun BEFORE the event with
The FADS Greatest Race
We’ve split 12 FADS International Dance Council
Members into 4 teams of 3 to see which team
can enroll the most participants in VIC.
They’ll report from the field each week
on their progress, and the winning team
gets a cash prize, a traveling trophy
and (of course) bragging rights!
Follow along to see all the shenanigans,
ribbing, and fun that’s sure to ensue...
which team are you rooting for?
And of course, join the fun at VIC - there’s still plenty
of time before the January 8 deadline...
it’s virtually that easy!
#vic2025 #road2vic #virtual #international #championships #fredastaire #bestinballroom #itsvirtuallythateasy
Just found out about the FADS Greatest Race and want to vote for/join your favorite team?, Here’s the cool cat himself, Martin Lamb with his take on the madness!!!
Vote for “Team Knight Riders” starring:
Stephen Knight: @knight1959
Anastasia Abrashin: @anastasiaabrashin
Dan Rutherford: @rutherford3230
Vote for Team “Team Babaghanoush ” starring:
Ilya Ifraimov: @ilyaifraimov
Hayk Balasanyan: @fredastairewinterpark
Christina Penatello: @christinapenatello
Vote for “Team Eagles” starring:
Tony Dovolani
Martin Lamb
Jan Mattingly: @janmattingly_fadspro
Vote for “Team Virtuous Virtuals” starring
Bruno Collins: @brunocollinstrillieci
Nicole Carrol: @carrollrutherford
Yuri Simakov: @simakovy
And, if you have no idea what we are talking about, no worries, keep reading!:
We’re starting the fun BEFORE the event with
The FADS Greatest Race
We’ve split 12 FADS International Dance Council
Members into 4 teams of 3 to see which team
can enroll the most participants in VIC.
They’ll report from the field each week
on their progress, and the winning team
gets a cash prize, a traveling trophy
and (of course) bragging rights!
Follow along to see all the shenanigans,
ribbing, and fun that’s sure to ensue...
which team are you rooting for?
And of course, join the fun at VIC - there’s still plenty
of time before the January 8 deadline...
it’s virtually that easy!
#vic2025 #road2vic #virtual #international #championships #fredastaire #bestinballroom #itsvirtuallythateasy
There is still time to play to win!!! For those of you who missed it, just click the link in our bio, and follow the rest of the steps in our MEGA 3x GIVEAWAY!!! It’s that easy!!!
#giveaway #fredastaire #goodmorningamerica #dwts #lifeisbetterwhenyoudance
Uh oh!!! Looks like Team Eagle is growing!!!! @fadshoustonheights will be attending VIC 2025- WILL YOU?
Vote for “Team Eagles” starring:
Tony Dovolani
Martin Lamb
Jan Mattingly: @janmattingly_fadspro
Vote for “Team Knight Riders” starring:
Stephen Knight: @knight1959
Anastasia Abrashin: @anastasiaabrashin
Dan Rutherford: @rutherford3230
Vote for Team “Team Babaghanoush ” starring:
Ilya Ifraimov: @ilyaifraimov
Hayk Balasanyan: @fredastairewinterpark
Christina Penatello: @christinapenatello
Vote for “Team Virtuous Virtuals” starring
Bruno Collins: @brunocollinstrillieci
Nicole Carrol: @carrollrutherford
Yuri Simakov: @simakovy
And, if you have no idea what we are talking about, no worries, keep reading!:
We’re starting the fun BEFORE the event with
The FADS Greatest Race
We’ve split 12 FADS International Dance Council
Members into 4 teams of 3 to see which team
can enroll the most participants in VIC.
They’ll report from the field each week
on their progress, and the winning team
gets a cash prize, a traveling trophy
and (of course) bragging rights!
Follow along to see all the shenanigans,
ribbing, and fun that’s sure to ensue...
which team are you rooting for?
And of course, join the fun at VIC - there’s still plenty
of time before the January 8 deadline...
it’s virtually that easy!
#vic2025 #road2vic #virtual #international #championships #fredastaire #bestinballroom #itsvirtuallythateasy
Did you watch Tony Dovolani on @goodmorningamerica this morning? Here’s a quick recap, mixed with a little funny! #lifeisbetterwhenyoudance #fredastaire #bestinballroom
The Holiday season is taking over, and we can’t help but feel overwhelmed with joy, gratitude and gratefulness! That is precisely why we have decided to GO BIG!!!
Fred Astaire Dance Studios presents: A Super Mega 3x Giveaway!!!
That’s right, we are giving away 3X the prizes, and all you have to do is WATCH/PLAY TO WIN!!!!
First, let’s talk prizes, shall we?:
Current Students: You could WIN 3X the points for our upcoming Virtual Competition (#VIC2025)
Current Instructors: You could WIN $3X 100 dollar bills ($300!!!)
Anyone and Everyone else: You could WIN 3X Ballroom Dance Lessons!!!
1) Record and upload a video of yourself watching Tony Dovolani on @goodmorningamerica, tomorrow, November 26th, starting at 8am Eastern Time.
2) Mention and/or ADD @Fred_Astaire_Dance_Studios as collaborator
3) Add the Super Secret phrase that Tony Mentions as a hashtag in the description of your video (IE, if the super secret phrase is “Best In Ballroom”, add the hashtag #bestinballroom- Rumor has it he might just wink at the screen after he says it!
That’s it!… Unless of course, you would like SUPER MEGA BONUS ENTRIES:
1) follow us on Instagram
2) leave a comment about a benefit you get from dancing in this post and TAG 3X friends that need ballroom dancing in their life
3) Share this post to your STORY
Now that’s it!!!!
Winners will be announced at our upcoming virtual competition #vic2025
And, Rumor has it there might just be an additional TOP SECRET PRIZE waiting to be announced!
Thanks for playing, and may the SUPER MEGA LUCK be with you!!!
#holidays #giveaways #thankful #grateful #giving #playtowin #fredastaire #bestinballroom #learnhowtodance
You have a great opportunity with VIC 2025 in January!
Competitors will love to compete in their familiar studio with their fun professionals and FADS family and friends cheering them on!
And invite your newer amateurs to see what a competition is all about…..all on a weekend where you can plan your own nightclub session theme, cheer on your professionals in the pro divisions and really bring your studio together in a way you never have.
© Copyright Fred Astaire Dance Studios Enriching Lives Foundation. All Rights Reserved.